10 Things Most Wives Hide From Their Husbands

It is always said that marriage should have the highest form of transparency and vulnerability.

And that isn’t wrong.

When two people get married, they’re meant to become one, willing to share any and everything with each other.

Secrets are not a usual occurrence in a marriage, or at least they shouldn’t be.

But that’s not what we find in a lot of marriages today.

In most cases, someone is hiding something from the other.

Either the wife from the husband or the husband from the wife.

Wives, we’ll talk about ours today.

I’ve observed that most of us hide things from our husbands for some reason or another.

Of course, not every wife does this, but a good number do.

Let us look at what these secrets are.

10 Things Most Wives Hide From Their Husbands

1. Their shopping history

things most wives hide from their husbands

For mysterious reasons, most husbands always seem to have an issue with how much their wives spend shopping.

I once made a humorous Instagram reel depicting how I try to hide the boxes that Amazon delivers to my house from my husband.

And the number of wives in the comments who could relate shocked me so much.

I didn’t know so many people were doing the same thing.

Most wives aren’t completely transparent with their husbands about their shopping habits and history.

Many wives hide their purchases, whether they’re splurging on a new handbag or beauty products or buying gifts for family, friends, and even their husbands.

This happens because they feel their husband would disapprove.

You’d think they only did this when they were using their husband’s money to shop.

But that’s not it.

When it’s their own money, they still might keep it to themselves.

2. How they truly feel

This one breaks my heart a lot.

A scary percentage of wives hide their true feelings from their husbands.

They are not honest about their true emotional state.

For instance, I’ve observed that many wives do not always express how stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious they feel because they want to avoid burdening their husbands.

Not me though, I let it all out.

Another part of their feelings that many wives hide from their spouses is their desire for alone time.

They might not openly admit when they need space to recharge without their husbands taking it personally.

If they happen to have temporary doubts or frustrations about the marriage, such as feeling unappreciated or having issues with in-laws, they shush about that too because they don’t want to hurt their husband’s feelings or spark an argument.

Even when they feel signs of mental stress or depression and anxiety, some women still don’t open up, especially if they feel their husband might not understand or downplay their struggles.

Generally, women seem to hide a lot of the things they feel, so I could go on and on about this point, but I’ll stop here.

3. Insecurities about themselves

things most wives hide from their husbands

We all have insecurities, whether big or small, and it’s human to feel less confident about some parts of our lives.

However, when it becomes major or it begins to affect your mental health, that calls for attention.

Some women have concerns about their body image, self-worth, or aging, but they don’t talk about it, not even to their husbands.

They want to avoid seeming vulnerable or needy.

So they keep their concerns about their bodies, life, getting older, or losing attractiveness under wraps to maintain confidence.

4. Past relationships

Some women don’t have an issue with sharing details about their exes with their husbands but a lot of women do.

They don’t talk about the number of exes they’ve had, the details of the relationships, their body count, etc.

They have various reasons for this.

Some women think it’s not necessary, others think it’ll create tension, and many others think it might be used against them in the future.

Not forgetting that some wives have had pretty interesting past relationships with details that are better left in the past.

And the husbands are jealous and can get mad even over something that happened in the past.

So the wives would rather just keep quiet.

5. Differences in parenting style

things most wives hide from their husbands

Wives might avoid revealing when they strongly disagree with their husbands’ approach to parenting.

This is surprising but true.

A lot of women would rather just let the man parent their kids however he wants to and play along.

They act like it’s fine but deep down, they’re not.

They’d rather approach parenting differently.

But most times, if his approach is not dangerous or too uncomfortable for them, they’d rather just keep quiet and work with it.

6. Crushes and attractions

Getting married has never immunized anyone from having crushes or getting crushed on.

You can still get attracted to other men and vice versa especially if you’re an attractive or hot woman who loves appearing nice.

Heck, even if you’re not doing the most with your looks and appearance, you might still get advances from men.

If you’re a man and you think your wife doesn’t get asked out on dates by other men, or she has never felt attracted to another man, then you’re proof of this point I’m trying to make.

Your wife gets advances from men and has felt drawn to another man at some point in her life, she just doesn’t tell you.

Many women do not confess if they find someone else attractive, or if someone finds them attractive, even if it’s harmless, to avoid making their husband feel insecure.

7. Sexual dissatisfaction

things most wives hide from their husbands

I was going through a comments section on a closed women Facebook Facebook group one time under a post that asked how often women experienced orgasms with their husbands.

It was alarming the number of women who said they’d either never experienced it or they only do once in a while.

The admin of the group encouraged them to communicate this to their husbands and try to get the best out of their sex life in marriage but most of the women turned down the advice.

The truth is that a woman who knows how to communicate when she’s starved of romance or good sexual fulfillment is rare.

Most women keep mum even if they’re not completely satisfied sexually.

Some wives may keep quiet to avoid awkward conversations or conflict while others just don’t feel confident enough to talk about it.

They keep hiding their longing for more romantic gestures or affection because they feel like their husbands might not respond positively.

8. Secret fears

Some wives hide fears from their husbands especially if they feel like the fear is irrational or that their husbands might find silly or overblown.

It might be a major fear like the financial future of their marriage or a minor one like a phobia for certain places or animals.

Some women daydream about having a different life, job, or dynamics because they’re afraid their current situation won’t lead them to a fulfilling life but they keep it to themselves.

No matter how much these things make them unhappy, they may choose to hide it from their husbands, especially if the marriage hasn’t been a safe space for them to communicate in the past.

9. Health concerns

things most wives hide from their husbands

Health concerns can be demoralizing to learn of.

This is why some women would rather not tell their husbands about it.

Perhaps it’s a condition they had before they got married and they’re afraid it may affect how he sees them.

Or maybe it developed after the marriage but they see that the man is dealing with a lot already and don’t want to compound his stress.

So they hide it, fearing their husband may overreact or worry excessively. 

It could also be that the marriage is not in a good place so they don’t want to add another burden to the already failing relationship. 

10. Girl issues

I don’t have a problem telling my husband about the little conflicts I have with other women but it’s only on the condition that he’ll react accordingly.

I need all of the “Why would she do that?” “Oh really?” and “You handled the situation well” comments.

I want him to be more pissed about the situation than I am and I want him to validate my feelings.

He knows what I want so he plays along and even if he wants to be logical with me and tell me my faults and how he thinks I can be better, he saves that for a time when I’m less passionate about the fight.

But that’s my unique situation, everybody’s situation differs.

Some women would rather keep friendship issues or drama private.

They don’t think that their husbands will understand the complexities of the situation or relate to it and validate them.

That’s not an issue for most men because they are genuinely not interested in such matters in the first place

But it wouldn’t hurt to understand your wife better and be carried along with her in every way including in things like her friendship conflicts.

Hiding things from your partner whether big or small is not healthy for any marriage.

There might be some unintentional omissions here and there, but that’s normal, you can’t know everything about anyone.

But there shouldn’t be intentional secrets kept particularly about important stuff.

That can spell doom for your marriage.

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