13 Signs Your Husband Is Not Sexually Attracted To You

Sex is a major part of every marriage, and seeing signs your husband is not sexually attracted to you can be depressing because the absence of sex can be very detrimental to the health of a marriage.

A healthy sex life in a marriage is something to be appreciated and maintained because it helps the couple bond and become vulnerable with each other.

Unfortunately, however, not all couples enjoy sex, and this is a major issue that has plagued marriages till date.

This is obviously due to various reasons, but whatever the reason may be, recognizing the signs early will help you approach the situation well.

Sex does not just leave a marriage in one day.

It starts from somewhere and is usually gradual until it leaves completely.

One of the ways a sexless marriage starts is when the husband stops being attracted to his wife sexually.

If you suspect that your husband is losing his sexual attraction for you, you may want to confirm if your suspicions are right or not.

What are the signs, and how do you recognize them?

13 Signs Your Husband Is Not Sexually Attracted To You

1. He Rarely Initiates Sex

Signs Your Husband Is Not Sexually Attracted To You

This is the first because it is the most obvious sign.

In most relationships, men initiate sex more than their wives do.

If, in your own relationship, your man has always been the one to initiate intimacy, and you observe that your husband has stopped initiating sex, then it’s time to ask yourself why.

It can be a result of many factors, including fatigue and stress.

If your husband is not showing signs of any physical or mental exhaustion, it could be a sign that he no longer finds you sexually attractive.

If your husband rarely initiates sex, there is a chance he may be losing his sexual attraction to you.

If your husband used to initiate sex often, but now he rarely does, it may be an indication that something is off.

Some signs precede this, and we’ll talk about them soon, but when it gets to this point where your husband no longer initiates nor wants to have sex with you anymore, it is a confirmed sign that your husband is no longer attracted to you.

It is somewhat common for the man in the relationship to be the one who wants sex more, and if that was the case in your marriage, and things all of a sudden change, it is a sign that he is no longer sexually attracted to you.



2. He Does Not Look At You or Care How You Look

Sex does not start in the bedroom.

At least, not on the bed.

A man who is sexually attracted to his wife will care about her physical appearance and feed his eyes with her body many times.

A sudden disinterest in your physical appearance by your husband is a sign that he is no longer attracted to you sexually.

You may find that he no longer notices the nice changes you make to your appearance nor compliments them.

He may also no longer seem to care if you are well-dressed or appropriately dressed for an occasion. 

This lack of attention to your physical appearance is a sign he’s no longer sexually attracted to you and thinks of you more as a friend than a romantic partner. 



3. He Does Not Show You Intimacy Outside the Bedroom

Signs Your Husband Is Not Sexually Attracted To You

You can detect that your husband has lost sexual attraction for you by his actions outside of the bedroom.

If he is no longer interested in being intimate with you outside of the bedroom and spending quality time with you, something is wrong.

Lack of physical affection outside the bedroom and outside of sexual intimacy could be a sign that your husband is not sexually attracted to you.

He may be withdrawing from physical contact with you, including cuddling and holding hands. 

If he no longer shows signs of affection, it is an indication that the sexual chemistry between the two of you has fizzled out. 

This means that he is not sexually attracted to you anymore, and this can be a worrying sign for your marriage. 



4. Changed Attitude Towards Sex

You can tell that your husband is no longer physically attracted to you by taking note of how his attitude towards your sex life with him has changed.

He probably no longer cares whether you have sex or not.

You may also notice that he seems distracted or uninterested during sex.

He acts disengaged frequently and does not seem to care about what you both are doing.

This detachment can make it difficult to remain intimate with him and may even cause you to feel frustrated or inadequate.

If your husband used to be passionate and enthusiastic about sex but no longer is, then it is a warning sign that he has lost his attraction towards you physically. 



5. He Does Not Connect With You In Non-sexual Ways

Signs Your Husband Is Not Sexually Attracted To You

You may notice a decline in your husband’s show of physical and emotional affection for you.

A disconnection in your emotions may occur as a result of the absence of sexual attraction.

It might manifest itself in the form of him not wanting to do things together, like going out on dates or cuddling with you while watching TV.

He may also seem distant and distracted when he is around you, which can be difficult for both of you. 





6. He Stops Touching You

Lack of touch can be another sign that your husband is not sexually attracted to you.

It does not have to be a sexual touch.

A gentle head rub, a brief hug, or even holding hands can mean so much.

But if you have noticed that your husband has stopped touching and being affectionate with you, it may be because his attraction towards you has faded away. 

If he stops touching you in on-sexual ways like cuddling, hugging, or holding your hands, that could be an indication that he is not feeling a sexual connection with you.

This lack of physical contact can lead to feelings of rejection, which can be very difficult for a marriage.




7. He Cheats

Signs Your Husband Is Not Sexually Attracted To You

When a partner cheats on you, the last thing you need to be doing is blaming yourself.

Cheating is a decision, and you should not blame yourself for someone else’s decision.

However, it is important to understand that if your partner cheats, it may still have something to do with you – or your relationship (in this case, marriage).

Your husband cheating or seeking sexual gratification elsewhere outside of his marriage, like through masturbation or pornography, could be a sign that he is not sexually attracted to his wife.

It may also be a sign that he is not satisfied with the level of physical contact and intimacy in his marriage.




8. Avoiding Intimacy With You

No sign is more obvious than your husband avoiding intimacy with you.

If you have noticed that your husband is actively or tactically avoiding intimacy with you, his wife, that may be because he is no longer sexually attracted to you.

It may be because he has found himself attracted to someone else or is finding his physical gratification through other sources. 

This also might be why your husband isn’t initiating sex with you or is avoiding any kind of physical contact; it’s possible that he no longer feels the same way about you and doesn’t want to engage in intimate activities with you anymore. 



9. Zero Excitement

Signs Your Husband Is Not Sexually Attracted To You

A lack of excitement and enthusiasm from your husband towards you can be quite saddening.

If you have noticed that he now seems bored or disinterested when he’s with you or during sexual activity with you, that could be an indication that he is not sexually attracted to you.

He may simply be going through the motions without any real desire or enthusiasm.

This could be a sign that his feelings for you have diminished, and he is no longer interested in being intimate with you. 



10. He Criticizes You Harshly And Makes Negative Comments 

If your husband constantly says harsh and unpleasant things to you, passing negative comments about you or your body, it is a clear sign that he is not attracted to you sexually.

He never has anything pleasant to say about your physical appearance and body because he is not drawn to it anymore.

He may even belittle you or put you down, making comments about how other people are better than you.

This is a warning sign that he is no longer interested in what you have to offer. 



11. Break In Communication

Signs Your Husband Is Not Sexually Attracted To You

Usually, when anything goes wrong in a relationship, communication takes a downward spiral.

You may begin to notice a reduction in communication in your marriage.

Your husband may be reluctant to open up to you and refuse to talk about his sexual desires or issues.

He may even become distant and avoid you altogether, which is a sign that something is wrong. 

When a husband stops communicating with his wife, it’s likely because he no longer has any intimate or sexual feelings for her. 

This can make it very difficult to reignite the spark in your marriage and be able to move forward. 



12. Awkwardness

Signs Your Husband Is Not Sexually Attracted To You

When things begin to get awkward, like your husband avoiding eye contact with you, especially during intimate moments, that can be a sign.

He is no longer attracted to you sexually, so he is finding things weird with you.

That may be an unpleasant thing to know, but it is the truth. 

He may even get angry and frustrated with you for no apparent reason.



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