15 Telling Signs You Are Rebelling Against God

If you are a person of faith, then your relationship with God will be high on your priority list.

You desire to be in a good place with Him and obey him.

If this is your desire, you will seek to know Him and do His will at all times.

Knowing the signs you are rebelling against God will help you to be more discerning and make a U-turn immediately after you tow the wrong path.

Your relationship with God, just like your other relationships with people, requires intentionality and faithfulness.

Your relationship with God requires even more attention and focus, the ability to make a U-turn immediately after you recognize that you are rebelling against Him.

At every juncture in life where you suspect that your relationship with God is suffering, you may want to check to confirm that you are not a rebel.

These signs you are rebelling against God will help you find out earlier.

15 Signs You Are Rebelling Against God

1. God seems far 

Signs You Are Rebelling Against God

Sometimes, when you suspect that you’re doing something contrary to what God has asked you to do and you have been on that path for a while, you begin to feel like God is far from you.

That can be a sign that you are rebelling against God.

Your spirit is a higher faculty than your flesh because it is able to pick up signals that are beyond the physical.

If you begin to feel in your spirit that God is far or distant from you, you may want to check again to be sure that you are not rebelling against Him.

God loves us, but when we persistently disobey him, he may stop speaking.

And that may make you feel like he has left you or he’s very far from you.

This does not mean that every time God seems far, you have rebelled. 

There are seasons in life that challenges make it seem like God is far and it is not necessarily because you rebelled. 

You need to pay closer attention and ask God to open your eyes to know what the case is. 

2. You stop reading the Bible

Signs You Are Rebelling Against God

The whole purpose of reading the Bible is to get wisdom and to grow in obedience to God.

When you are rebelling against God, if you study your Bible often, you begin to feel convicted about your actions, and you may feel God tugging at your heart and pulling you towards obedience.

But because you are bent on continuing on that path, you are likely to not open your Bible because you do not want to be called out on your actions.

This may be a subconscious act, such that you are not actively aware that you have stopped reading your Bible.

The moment you notice this, you need to hit the pause button and reflect on your life again

3. You no longer hear God

Signs You Are Rebelling Against God
One of the ways that I personally know that I am rebelling against God is that I did not hear from God for a while.

If a significant amount of time passes and I do not hear God speak to me, I know that there is a high chance that I am doing something contrary to what He has asked me to do.

It is as though He is saying, “I won’t say anything yet until you fix up and obey my last instruction. You don’t deserve another instruction from me when you’re clearly walking in disobedience.

And so, every time I feel bankrupt of God‘s voice, the first thing I check is if I am walking in obedience and not being a rebel.

You may want to apply this to your life as well.

If you used to hear from God before, through any means (the Bible, dreams, visions, friends, or any other means), and all of a sudden, that channel seems to be cut off, and you can’t hear from him anymore, I’ll recommend that you say a prayer asking God to open your eyes to see why.

And if you find out that rebellion is the reason, then you need to turn a new leaf.

4. Things begin to fall apart

Signs You Are Rebelling Against God

When things begin to go south in your life, sometimes it is an indication that you are doing something very wrong.

This is not always the case but a significant amount of times, it is.

When you go against God’s word and will and tow your own path, things are likely to go wrong.

Just like the Prophet Jonah, your ship may be sinking because you are headed in the wrong direction.

5. You have dreams

Signs You Are Rebelling Against God

Your dreams can be the traffic light that lets you know that you are in the wrong.

Without being told by anybody, you can know that you are rebelling by the dreams you have begun to have.

Of course, this only applies when you have the gift of dreams and an accurate interpretation of the same.

6. You stop having dreams

Signs You Are Rebelling Against God

On the flip side, a halt in your dream life can indicate that you are rebelling against God.

If God used to speak to you through dreams before or He used to show you things through them, that channel may be closed when you begin to rebel against Him.

Your dream can be a channel that connects you to the divine.

A closure in that channel can mean that you are walking in rebellion.

7. You feel convicted

Signs You Are Rebelling Against God

Every believer has the Holy Spirit resident within them, and so they have the ability to be convicted of sin.

The Holy Spirit tugs at your heart if you are a child of God, and He lets you know when you are wrong.

If you feel convicted about your actions, instead of fighting it, seek to correct it.

8. You do not feel convicted or guilty anymore

Signs You Are Rebelling Against God

Ironically, this can also be a sign that you are rebelling against God.

In the initial stages, you may feel convicted about your actions, but when you persistently ignore that prompting, you can become numb to it.

And then you realize that you no longer feel convicted about your actions, and no matter how far you go in the wrong direction, you do not feel guilty.

It’s almost as though your conscience has been seared.

9. You go against His Word

Going against what God’s word says to you is a classical sign that you are rebelling against Him.

If you are doing the opposite of what God says, it is a sign that you are disobedient.

A child of God is meant to submit themselves to the Word of God.

Every time the Bible calls you out or instructs you, obedience is what is required of you.

10. Unanswered prayers

Signs You Are Rebelling Against God

Rebellion can shut the doors of the heavens against a person.

God’s blessings go where He is honored, and His word is being kept.

A life of persistent disobedience is one that repels God and His blessings.

Isaiah 59:1-2 says, “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, That it cannot save; Nor His ear heavy, That it cannot hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God;” 

If this sounds like a familiar story to you and you constantly find yourself lacking God’s blessings even after praying for them earnestly, disobedience might be at play here.

13. Stagnation

You can tell that you are rebelling against God by the things happening in your life.

If you used to experience growth and progress in life, but all of a sudden, you begin to notice that you are remaining in the same spot, it can be a sign.

A lack of purpose and direction can keep you stuck at a position, and this can be the result of a life of rebellion.

14. You are the boss of your life

Signs You Are Rebelling Against God

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, ”Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths”.

If you find yourself taking complete control of everything happening in your life without consulting God or letting him lead you, then it could be a sign that you are rebelling against Him. 

Because when you are leading yourself, there is a high chance that you are ignoring God.

Observe your actions and decisions and see what inspires them.

If everything you do and every decision you make is a product of your logic and common sense and not God’s leading, there’s a high chance that you are rebelling.

15. You lose your peace

Signs You Are Rebelling Against God

There is a feeling of unrest and dissatisfaction that comes when you are rebelling against God.

Regardless of how glamorous and nice things look from the outside in your life, you may still feel a persistent discomfort about something you said, did, or a decision you made.

God is a God of peace, and so when peace is absent, there is a need for you to make careful observations.

The lack of peace you feel can be indicative of the fact that God is absent from your decisions, and you need to do something about that.

Knowing your unique relationship with God and the kind of signs that God shows you will help you recognize them early.

And even if you have not grown so much enough to recognize the signs, the ones shared above are distinct signs that will guide you and help you to be more discerning.

What now do you do?

Pray for forgiveness of your rebellion and repent .

It is okay to recognize that you are in the wrong and need help. 

God is willing and able to forgive you but only if you first humble yourself before Him and ask for His help.

Remember: He loves you and He’s not mad at you. 

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