15 Signs God Wants You To Be With Someone

If you believe in God and desire His direction for your life, you may be interested in knowing the signs God wants you to be with someone. 

It is easy for anyone to decide on a new partner by themselves, but experience and time have shown that relationships do not always go as planned, and people can be deceptive.

It is safer for individuals to rely on God’s guidance when making the choice of a partner. 

If you are confused about whether God wants you to be with someone, the signs below will guide you. 


15 Signs God Wants You To Be With Someone

1. They Genuinely Love God 

Signs God Wants You To Be With Someone

The first sign that God wants you to be with your boyfriend or girlfriend is that they have a genuine and sincere love for God. 

God does not want you to be with someone with no love or reverence for him because such a person cannot show you true love. 

One of the first signs to look out for is love for God. 


2. Their Actions Reflect God’s Word 

Another sign God wants you to be with someone is that their actions reflect the word of God. 

Beyond confessing their love for God through their mouth, their actions must show that they love God and His Word. 

God does not want you to be with a person who lives an ungodly lifestyle and lacks maturity, godliness, gentleness, patience, kindness, integrity, and accountability.

If your partner submits to God’s Word and lives by it, you will see it in them, and it is a sign that God wants you to be with them. 


3. You Feel Peace 

One of the ways God speaks to His people is through the presence of an indwelling peace. 

If a person is wrong for you, you will likely feel troubled and in despair.

But if you feel peace when you think about or are around this person, it is a sign that God wants you to be with them. 


4. They Inspire You To Follow God

Signs God Wants You To Be With Someone

If you are looking for signs that God wants you to be in a relationship with someone, this is one sure sign for you.

A partner who inspires you to be more committed to God and to follow His ways is a partner God wants you to be with. 

God wants you to grow in your relationship with him, and the person you are with can encourage or discourage that. 

A partner that draws you away from God is a partner that God does not want for you. 


5. Your Spiritual Friends Love Him

Signs God Wants You To Be With Someone

Another way to know that God wants you to be with someone is through your spiritual friends. 

God often speaks through your friends, pastors, or loved ones. 

Especially the ones who listen to God. 

If your spiritual friends seem to love you with them, it is a sign that God wants you to be with them. 


6. You Both Have a Good Friendship Together 

A tested and trusted friendship between you and them is another way to know if God wants you to be with someone. 

A good sign that God wants you to be with them and has fated you both to be together is that you have a solid friendship. 

The best partner is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.


7. They Genuinely Love You

 Signs God Wants You To Be With Someone

The person God wants you to be with will love you in the right ways. 

They will show you kindness, affection, and service. 

A sign that God wants you to be with someone is that the person shows you true and faithful love. 


8. You Prayed For Them

One sign that God wants you to be with someone is that the person is your answered prayer.  

If you have prayed to God for a partner and they look like the answer to your prayers, it is a sign. 

God listens to and answers the prayers of his people if they are according to His will.

Do not feel like it is too good to be true. 

If you prayed for a partner from God and now have a godly one with godly qualities, all you need is more patience and discernment to vet and confirm that your prayer has been heard and answered. 


9. The Relationship Makes You Both Better 

 Signs God Wants You To Be With Someone

God desires that his creatures evolve, grow, and show His Glory. 

A relationship that God approves of will not make you experience a decline or become a worse version of yourself. 

If that is the case with you, it is a sign that God does not want you to be in that relationship. 


10. You Complement Each Other Well

 Signs God Wants You To Be With Someone

God is a perfect matchmaker; if he wants you to be with someone, you will see that you align with the person. 

It is blessed to have a partner that complements you. 

Your personalities match, your strengths and weaknesses complement each other, and your values align. 

This does not mean that you are perfect or have a perfect relationship. 

It simply means you know how to blend your personalities well without allowing for unhealthy and toxic behaviors. 


11. Your Purpose In Life Complement Each Other

It is not enough for your personalities to complement each other; your ministries and assignments should also align. 

You should be partners in purpose. 

A sign that God wants you to be with someone is that your ministry aligns perfectly with theirs. 

A godly relationship leads to a godly marriage that builds a family for God. 

Such a home can only thrive when both parties agree and align with each other’s ministries.

If your ministries and purpose are the same or related, you can consider it a sign.

Even if your passions aren’t related, you’re on the right ship if you support one another in fulfilling your life’s purpose. 

God will never want you to be with someone who doesn’t support God’s plan and assignment for your life. 

What then will they be doing in your life? 


12. God Is The Head Of The Relationship 

If God is placed at the center of the relationship, it is a strong sign that God wants you to be with them. 

A relationship that leaves out the place for God is not His will for you. 

If your relationship glorifies God and exalts him, it is a sign. 


13. You Feel Worthy, Loved, And Overjoyed 

signs God wants you to be with someone

Feelings like joy, worthiness, and hope often come from God. 

Feeling worthless, sad, and abused are not from God.

So if you feel these positive emotions with this person, it is a strong sign that God wants you to be with them. 


14. Your Relationship Is Not Mundane 

A sure sign that God wants you to be with someone is that the relationship is solid and strong, built on the right foundations. 

Many times, people build relationships on riches, sex, or affluence

Such relationships may not stand the test of time because they are not built on the right foundation. 

A relationship built on the right foundation of genuine love and trust will stand the test of time and stand strong regardless of challenges. 

If that is the kind of relationship you have, it is a sign. 


15. You See A Future With Them 

signs god wants you to be with someone

Another sign that God wants you to be with someone is that you can envision a future with them.

You see yourself growing old and building a family with your partner. 

This can be just picturing it in your heart or through visions and dreams. 

Dreams may not be fully reliable because they can be influenced by emotions and thoughts, but for some people, God speaks to them through dreams. 


There is no cookie-cutter approach to knowing God wants you to be with someone. 

The signs above are great pointers, but in their absence, do not be quick to draw the line and conclude that you and your partner are not meant to be. 

Take some time to prayerfully evaluate the relationship and seek wisdom from God and counsel from Godly people. 

James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”

signs god wants you to be with someone


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