10 Things Wives Who Respect Their Husbands Never Do

things wives who respect their husbands never do

I’ve yet to see a healthy marriage in which both parties are happy without respect being a major part of their lives. Even among friends, the absence of respect can spell doom for that relationship. This is because respect is the bedrock of any thriving relationship. It’s like the thread that holds the fabric of …

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If A Man Respects You He Will Do These Things

If a Man Respects You, He Will Do These Things

At first glance, you may think knowing when a man does or doesn’t respect you is easy. Unfortunately, relationships are not that straightforward because emotions are involved, and emotions sometimes blind us from seeing what we need to see. But we all know how important respect is in a relationship. So, how do you ensure …

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8 Things Only Weak Husbands Do

Things only weak husbands do

With the rise in the clamor for equality of both genders, you would think that most women wouldn’t mind having a weak husband. However, this doesn’t seem to be the case. In my conversations with many ladies, even some of the most radical feminists I know, I have noticed a desire for a strong man. …

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10 Things Most Wives Hide From Their Husbands

things most wives hide from their husbands

It is always said that marriage should have the highest form of transparency and vulnerability. And that isn’t wrong. When two people get married, they’re meant to become one, willing to share any and everything with each other. Secrets are not a usual occurrence in a marriage, or at least they shouldn’t be. But that’s …

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10 Reasons Wives Resent Their Husbands

Reasons Wives Resent Their Husbands

Marriage is that institution where love and hate can cohabit. Lol! Follow me please… I’ll explain. It is possible to love your husband so much initially, only to later resent the same man you loved like kilode! (Meaning you love someone so much that it is amazing). I can relate to what this feels like, …

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