10 Reasons Wives Resent Their Husbands

Reasons Wives Resent Their Husbands

Marriage is that institution where love and hate can cohabit. Lol! Follow me please… I’ll explain. It is possible to love your husband so much initially, only to later resent the same man you loved like kilode! (Meaning you love someone so much that it is amazing). I can relate to what this feels like, …

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8 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Jealous Of Your Looks

Signs Your Boyfriend Is Jealous Of Your Looks

In the words of Nigerians on the street… “Mad oh!” This sounds like a crazy thing even to consider, but it happens. A wise man once said, “There is nothing new under the sun,” and I fully agree with him. While some boyfriends are totally smitten and in love with their girlfriends, some may be …

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6 Reasons Your Husband Keeps Hurting You Emotionally

reasons your husband keeps hurting you emotionally

Emotional hurt is a terrible thing to experience, especially when it comes from a friend or relative. No matter how terrible being hurt by your friend or relative is, being hurt by your husband is at least ten times worse. When you think things can’t get any worse, it actually does. What’s worse than your …

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12 Telling Signs Of An Inconsiderate Husband

signs of an inconsiderate husband

Do you feel like your husband is inconsiderate or have you ever wondered what the signs of an inconsiderate husband are? I’m here to quench your curiosity thirst today. Being with an inconsiderate person can be quite an unpleasant experience, especially when that person is your partner. It can create an unhealthy relationship dynamic that …

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